3M Z350 XT Syringes

    • PACKAGING : 4g Syringe 

    • High polish retention and improved fluorescence for exceptional aesthetics
    • Wide variety of shades for natural-looking restorations
    • Colour-coded and bold-label syringes for easy selection
    • Exceptional strength for usage on anterior and posterior areas
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    3M Z350 XT Syringes
    3M Z350 XT Syringes
    3M Z350 XT Syr XW
    3M Z350 XT Syr WB
    3M Z350 XT Syr WD
    3M Z350 XT Syr CT
    3M Z350 XT Syr B1 Enamal
    3M Z350 XT Syr B2 Body
    3M Z350 XT Syr B1 Body
    3M Z350 XT Syr A4 Body
    3M Z350 XT Syr A3.5 Body
    3M Z350 XT Syr A3 Enamal
    3M Z350 XT Syr A3 Body
    3M Z350 XT Syr A2 Enamal
    3M Z350 XT Syr A2 Dentin
    3M Z350 XT Syr A2 Body
    3M Z350 XT Syr A1 Enamal
    3M Z350 XT Syr A1 Dentin
    3M Z350 XT Syr A1 Body
    Product Details
    • Filtek ™ Z350 XT restorative dental kit has bonded nanofillers help retain its brilliant polish.
    • In-vitro lab data has shown that the wear resistance of restoration.
    • A clinical study consucted for a duration of 5 years has revealed that statistically there is no significant difference between Filtek ™ Z350 XT Universal Restorative and natural enamel.
    • The restoration maintains a smoother surface, meaning the initial impressive gloss will last for years due to the creation of unique clusters of nanometer-sized particles.
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